Only five more days to go! I have a small filing box where I keep important documents, like tax-related information, health and wellness stuff, pay stubs and bank statements, and other related items. I actually went through this a little bit earlier this year when I did taxes, but when I was cleaning out another box, I found a sack full of bank statements that went back many years, and that got me to thinking I needed to clean up my documents box. I've read that you don't need to hold on to that stuff for more than a year, so I ditched those bank statements, along with a bunch of other stuff that was just taking up room. I made sure I shredded everything so that my personal information wouldn't end up in the wrong hands. There ended up being so much that it took two garbage bags to hold it all, and my shredder overheated three times before I could finish. The end is in sight!

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