Sunday, October 26, 2008

day thirty

So I thought and thought about what I might do for the last day of this project, and my friends of course had great ideas. I wanted to do something symbolic for the last day, but I didn't know quite what. One friend suggested I commit a crime and get arrested, therefore throwing my freedom away, but I thought that would be missing the point because of all the legal paperwork I would then have to deal with. Another said quitting my job might be a way to get rid of unwanted clutter, but that didn't sound too good either. I thought about getting rid of something that I didn't want to get rid of, but the whole point is to get rid of clutter, not give away stuff that you want to keep. Pretty much every day up until this point has had a theme as well, one day it's old clothes, old computer parts, etc.
So today I grabbed a bunch of stuff that was laying around randomly and the only thing I did differently this time was that I destroyed some of it with a two-by-four, so this blog could go out on a 'bang', but still remain on topic and on focus. This time it was old shelves, more CD's, a cd caddy, an envelope caddy, old clothes, etc. I have to say, it was quite satisfying to end it this way. Hopefully it marks a symbolic end to an activity I hope to be more aware of and curtail in the future.

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