I collect boxes. Well I shouldn't say 'collect'--whenever I buy something, I tend to like to keep the box, so I have a storage area where I have all these boxes stored, so I went through that stuff. Some of the boxes I still kept, but I determined that these boxes would probably never get used, no matter the situation, so they got tossed. Particularly funny is the 10 year old plus answering machine box. I still have the answering machine, but I don't even know if it works anymore. I did keep a few boxes, all of it music equipment boxes, but as you can see, I did throw away a box that one of my recording devices came in; it's in a rack now, and I doubt I will move it out of the rack, so bye bye.
I'm beginning to think that 30 days might not be enough. It seems like every time I go to throw some stuff away, more stuff appears. In the box of old books I found yesterday, there are a bunch of decorations from my former house, and a whole lot of papers and things I should go through. If you had asked me about that stuff, I couldn't have told you that I had it, which I think is kind of a bad thing. You should be aware of the stuff you have, if you are not aware of it, you probably don't need it.
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